ME Park
Short description
As a response to the growing problem with parking in urban areas, METAL-ELEKTRO has developed cost-effective parking system ME PARK.
In the same area as a standard parking space ME PARK offers two parking spaces (ME PARK type A2) or even three parking spaces (ME PARK type A3). The electrohydraulically operated drive-on parking system ME PARK is designed to lift or lower the platform so that vehicles can be parked on more levels.
ME PARK type N2 is used in situations when parking space is limited. This mechanism, specially developed for this parking purposes, saves parking space.
A pit provides independent parking - any car can be removed from the parking system without moving another car.
ME PARK can handle all types of passenger cars. Standard dimensions of platforms are shown in table. According to special requirements by client, we can manufacture different dimensions.
Double-width units (types A4, A6 and N4) are available too. Advantages of double-width systems are that they are more economical are require less overall width that two single systems. They also offer more space for getting in and out of the car, and for entering or leaving the parking space.
Usage areas:
Business and private objects
Commercial parking areas
Shopping centres, airports, hotels, hosiptals, etc.
Interior and exterior use
Complete installation of parking system
Max weight of vehicle: 2600 kg
Independent parking system
Hot deep galvanisation (corrosion protection)
Dual hydraulic cylinders
Security lock
Emergency button
Electrohydraulic 2 years
Steel construction 5 years